
Doctoral student position in the Celiac Disease Research Center (CeliRes)

We are looking for a doctoral student to join the Celiac Disease Research Center (CeliRes). CeliRes is committed to conducting high-quality multidisclipinary research ranging from epidemiological and clinical studies to genetics, immunobiology and microbiology.  The project of the doctoral student will involve the pathogenetic mechanism of celiac disease and its skin manifestation, dermatitis herpetiformis. A successful candidate has MSc degree/equivalent and is self-motivated. Previous experience in biomedical and immunobiological research techniques is considered as an advantage.
Salary: The salary will be based on the demand level chart for the teaching and research staff of Finnish Universities. The preliminary level of demand is 2-4. In addition to the basic salary, a supplementary salary component will be paid according to the personal performance.
There is a four month’s trial period in the beginning of the employment.
Application process:  Applications must be submitted by the online application form of the University of Tampere at https://uta.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=A_RJ&jgid=1&jid=889 by March 13th, 2017, at 15.45 local time. Please attach to your application a letter of motivation (indicating who you applied for this position), and a CV including two references with their contact information.
For additional information, please contact:
University Researcher Katri Lindfors katri.lindfors (at) uta.fi (position)

HR Specialist Jonna Rinne jonna.rinne (at) uta.fi (recruitment process).