SSI2023 registration is open!
3.3.2023 | AjankohtaistaThe 49th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology – SSI2023 will be held on June 4th–7th. Registration for the meeting is now open.
The organisers promise an exciting program from basic immunology to translational studies and latest advances in clinical use. The Summer School focuses on single-cell and other cutting-edge approaches in immunology. Meeting sessions will cover novel approaches in immune regulation and immunotherapies by world-known invited speakers such as Anjana Rao from La Jolla Institute of Immunology, JeffreyBluestone from Sonoma Biotherapeutics and Andrew Chan from Genentech as well as presentations by young investigators in the workshops and poster sessions.
Join also the traditional SSI meeting dinner at Turku Castle.
Please note that the abstract submission deadline for the meeting is March 15th here: Abstracts – SSI2023