Suomen Solubiologit ry

Yhdistys edistää solubiologian tutkimusta, koulutusta, tiedotusta ja työpaikkojen perustamista solubiologeille harjoittaen koulutus- ja tiedotustoimintaa.

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Company visit to Biosafe in Kuopio on 29.5.2024

29.5.2024 | Ajankohtaista

We had super interesting afternoon today at Biosafe, many thanks to Pauliina Halimaa and Pilvi Ruotsalainen for accommodating us! During this company visit, we got a chance to visit Biosafe laboratory facilities and then hear more about the company activities. We also had few participants via Zoom. It was a pleasure to also have Pilvi sharing her career path into current position as a Project manager in the #microbiology team, because Pilvi is the former board member of our society. This really made the visit even more special😊 Thank you! #FinnishSocietyForCellBiology #SuomenSolubiologit

Senior Scientist – Molecular Biology & Strain Engineering / Research and Development, Onego Bio Ltd.

13.9.2024 | Avoimet työpaikat

Are you interested in shaping the future of food by producing new sustainable food ingredients with cutting edge technology and with superb colleagues who are top experts in their field? Onego Bio might be just the place for you.  

Onego Bio is a Finnish leading food-biotech company producing animal-free egg protein with precision fermentation. The company’s award-winning technology has placed them at the forefront of the industry, having cracked the code to producing bioidentical egg proteins that provide the same taste, functionality, and nutrition but without the poor efficiency and harmful impacts of animal agriculture. Onego Bio is launching its first product Bioalbumen® as an ingredient for the food industry and transforming the food system to meet the urgent sustainability requirements of the world. The company is focused on scaling precision fermentation to industrial scale with the superior Trichoderma reesei production platform. 

 Founded by alternative protein pioneer Maija Itkonen (CEO) and precision fermentation trailblazer Christopher Landowski (CTO), Onego Bio is a spin-off that salutes the remarkable work done by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for the next level cellular agriculture products and applications. In April 2024 Onego raised a $40M Series A funding round (one of the largest in the Nordics) for fueling scale up and go-to-market in the US. Since launching, the company has received massive international recognition, including being selected as a winner of Fast Company’s 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards. Onego Bio is a founding member of Food Fermentation Europe and Precision Fermentation Alliance US. Get to know us better by exploring our webpage 

We are now looking for a Senior Scientist to join our R&D team in Helsinki 

In this position, you will play an essential role in developing, planning, and carrying out research projects with a project team and contribute towards our greater goal of providing animal free egg protein ingredients to the world. Ultimately, we aim to be part of building a sustainable food system with the help of our partners throughout the world. Towards this goal our R&D team will create microbial production systems for expressing egg white proteins using filamentous fungi. 

Your responsibilities as Senior Scientist:  

  • Scientific project work in protein production with filamentous fungi. 
  • Using your expertise in molecular biology and strain engineering to create excellent fungal production strains for egg white proteins. 
  • Developing strain screening technologies and workflows for filamentous fungi. 
  • Further developing our fungal expression platforms using the newest innovations. 
  • Project team management. 
  • Working with our bioprocess team to improve the strains and bioprocess conditions. 

Who we are looking for: 

  • Proven, excellent laboratory skills and experience in molecular biology techniques such as DNA cloning, genome engineering, protein and possibly genome analysis. 
  • MSc or PhD in biotechnology, molecular biology, fungal biology, or related field.  
  • Four or more years of experience working with filamentous fungi. 
  • Good written and spoken English skills. 
  • Proven ability to effectively instruct other scientists or technical staff. 
  • An innovative person who exhibits effective leadership skills and has experience leading others. 
  • Someone with deep knowledge in the fields of fungal biology and strain engineering. 
  • Skills in Bioinformatics are considered as a big plus as well as experience in working in an industrial biotechnology company. 

As a person, we hope that you: 

  • Independently plan your work and perform experiments skilfully and precisely. 
  • Self-motivated and willing to take the initiative to get projects accomplished.  
  • Have strong communication and collaboration skills. 
  • Work well with other team members and contribute to a good working environment. 
  • Can tolerate pressure and maintain a good work-life balance. 
  • Are flexible to take on a variety of tasks anticipated in a start-up company. 

With Onego Bio, you’ll enjoy:

  • Molecular biology with an impact. Onego Bio works on creating cutting-edge microbial protein production systems. Microbial production technology to produce egg white protein shows potential to significantly mitigate environmental impacts up to 90% according to recent study published in Nature Food. The positive impact of our technology does not only contribute positively on the environment but also supply chain stability, global health, food security and animal welfare. Egg is one of the world’s most popular proteins and our team stands to meet the demand in a way that preserves the future of our planet. 
  • Superb colleagues. We offer working in a passionate environment within a fun and diverse team who want to make an impact in the world. With Onego Bio, you will join a dedicated group of top experts in their respective fields who foster a culture of trust, openness, and sharing ideas. 
  • Competitive salary. We want to attract the best people, so we will provide competitive salaries.  
  • Nordic work–life balance. Working in Finland, the happiest country in the world, enables a high quality of life. At Onego Bio, we make our people’s well-being a priority. We offer 6 weeks paid vacation a year, among other benefits including extended occupational healthcare, and exercise and culture benefits. 

Apply now and join our community of brilliant minds! 

Please send your CV and application letter as soon as possible but at the latest by 30th of September 2024. We will process applications as they come in and fill the position as soon as we find the right candidate. 

Interested and want to hear more? 

For further information, please contact Head of Biology, Taija Leinonen, or Senior Scientist – Strain Engineering, Tommi Kotila,

Read more about our past work on the topic:

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Employment type: Full-time, Permanent 

Location: Helsinki, Finland 

In vivo Pharmacology Research Scientist/Senior Scientist, Orion Corporation Turku

13.9.2024 | Avoimet työpaikat

Description of position

The Antibody-Drug Conjugates Research Team is seeking a talented and highly motivated in vivo pharmacology Research Scientist/Senior Scientist. The successful candidate will possess a PhD or MSc and extensive hands-on in vivo work experience in academic or industry settings. We are looking for someone with a proven track record of planning and executing in vivo studies, excellent teamwork skills, and a profound understanding of cancer biology. The chosen candidate will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with a diverse team of researchers and assistants to drive the advancement of groundbreaking Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) from the conceptual stage to the clinical candidate phase. This role provides an exciting opportunity to apply expertise in cancer research and contribute to the development of potentially life-saving therapies.

Key responsibilities 

  • Independently design, perform/coordinate, and analyze results of efficacy and PK/PD in vivo studies aimed at the discovery of antibody-drug conjugates.
  • Develop and optimize experimental protocols and methodologies.
  • Build strong partnerships with key stakeholders to understand scientific challenges and project needs, and actively facilitate the execution of in vivo studies.
  • Support in-vivo needs across the Oncology research organization.
  • Present research findings to project teams and management and prepare technical reports.
  • Work with external academic, biotechnology, and contract research organizations to advance our projects.
  • Commit to scientific rigor, high data quality, and careful documentation.

This permanent position is located in Turku, Finland, and reports directly to the Head of the Antibody-Drug Conjugates Team.  

Description of unit 

The Antibody-Drug Conjugates Team is one of three scientific units in Oncology Research, a part of Orion’s RnD Organization. The team is focused on discovering therapeutic targets and actively developing ADCs by utilizing a broad panel of biophysical, biochemical, cellular, and in vivo methods. We aim to develop cutting-edge ADC therapies that can transform cancer patients’ lives.

We offer 

We offer the opportunity to work alongside talented and experienced scientists and assistants across Orion’s R&D, where you’ll be part of an exciting pipeline in an enthusiastic working environment that allows you to leverage your strengths to enhance your competence and build your career. You’ll also have the unique chance to innovate and contribute to future therapies for patients. Our excellent working atmosphere is built on mutual trust, continuous development, and a strong appreciation of colleagues. Please visit our website to find further information about Orion as an employer


To be successful in this role, the candidate must have the demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following: 

  • MSc/PhD in cancer biology, pharmacology, or relevant with at least 4 years of hands-on in vivo work experience in academic or industry settings.
  • Authorized competencies to work with laboratory animals.
  • Demonstrated hands-on experience in planning and executing in vivo pharmacology studies, including diverse mouse models and routes of drug administration, monitoring techniques, and sample collection.
  • Strong knowledge of tumor biology, supported by a publication record.
  • Understanding of pharmacology and PK/PD principles.
  • Good understanding of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively within multidisciplinary research teams, and experience in coordinating research assistant work.
  • Excellent problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and presentation skills.
  • Highly organized with documentation of experimental plans, timelines, and reports.

Additional information

Are you interested in this opportunity? Please send your application with the latest CV, cover letter, and salary request in English by September 18th, 2024. We will start reviewing applications during the application period.

For additional details, do not hesitate to contact Dr Marcin Chrusciel, Head of Antibody Drug Conjugates Team tel. +358 509667861 on any of the following times (Finnish Time): 6th of September 15:00-16:00 and 13th of September 15:00-16:00.


Approved medical examination which also includes drug testing is required prior to the employment. We will also carry out a security clearance prior to the employment for the selected person.

Orion Corporation operates in more than 30 countries, where we Orionees, 3600 in total, work in all kinds of positions. Among us there are Research Scientists, Laboratory Technicians, Engineers and IT Specialists as well as people working in Production, just to mention some examples. We offer diverse and responsible jobs to our personnel in a truly multi-disciplinary work environment. We encourage people to develop their competences and offer opportunities to affect the job description and creating their own career path at Orion. We are searching for top talents who are ready to share our passion for the work that we do.

Mikrobiologi, Kymen ympäristölaboratorio Oy

13.9.2024 | Avoimet työpaikat

Sinulla on vastuu mikrobiologian osastostamme ja sen kehityksestä, analyysitulosten raportoimisesta ja asiakaspalvelusta. Yhdessä asiakkaidemme kanssa selvität ja rakennat heidän haasteisiinsa sopivat testauskokonaisuudet ja kehität mikrobiologian osastomme toimintaa. Yhteistyössä viranomaisten kanssa pysyttelet ajanhermolla muuttuvista testausvaatimuksista ja varmistat, että asiakkaillemme tarjoamat testauspalvelut täyttävät viranomaisten asettamat vaatimukset.

Mikrobiologian laboranttiemme lähiesimiehenä tuet tiimisi hyvää työilmapiiriä ja varmistat, että hommat sujuvat. Sinulla on käytännön kokemusta mikrobiologisista viljelymenetelmistä, laadunvarmistuksesta
mikrobiologian laboratoriossa ja uusien analyysimenetelmien validoinnista.

Palvelulaboratoriomme haasteet ja monipuoliset tehtävät tarjoavat sinulle hyvän mahdollisuuden oman osaamisesi kehittämiseen. 

Hakijalta edellytämme:
-Tehtävään soveltuvaa koulutusta mikrobiologiasta, esim. ETM, MMM, FM
-Ulospäin suuntautuneisuutta, oma-aloitteisuutta, päätöksentekokykyä ja hyvää tiimihenkeä

Katsomme eduksi elintarvikemikrobiologian osaamisen, kokemuksen uusien analyysimenetelmien validoinnista, työskentelyn akkreditoidussa testauslaboratoriossa, aiemman esimieskokemuksen ja IT-taidot (esim. LIMS, V2L).

Tarjoamme sinulle:
-Haastavan ja monipuolisen työnkuvan
-Merkityksellisen työn erilaisten mikrobiologisten analyysimenetelmien parissa
-Viihtyisän työympäristön ja mukavat työkaverit
-Joustavat työajat ja mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa omaan työhösi

Lisätietoja antaa toimitusjohtaja Aleksi Laine, p. 044 974 0127.

Lähetä hakemus ja CV palkkatoivomuksineen 30.9.2024 mennessä osoitteeseen Hakemuksia käsitellään jo hakuaikana, joten hae heti.

Jätä hakemus:…
Yhteystiedot:  Lähetä hakemus ja CV palkkatoivomuksineen 30.9.2024 mennessä osoitteeseen Hakemuksia käsitellään jo hakuaikana, joten hae heti.
Työpaikan osoite:  Patosillantie 2, 45700 Kuusankoski
Työ alkaa:  Työskentely alkaa mahdollisimman pian
Työaika:  Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto:  Toistaiseksi voimassa oleva
Hakuaika päättyy:  30.09.2024 20:59
Ilmoitus jätetty:  04.09.2024 15:51
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero:  8182cc9e-2e02-499d-8077-ed8d9661c8f9

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä



Solubiologi 1/2024 on ilmestynyt!

Tämän vuoden ensimmäinen Solubiologi-lehti on juhlanumero, jolla juhlistetaan Suomen Solubiologit ry:n 50-vuotista taivalta. Lehdessä on mukana muun muassa Onni Sirkiän laatima artikkeli Jyväskylässä pidetystä vuosijuhlasta, yhdistyksemme kunniajäsenyyden saaneen Johanna Ivaskan Proffan suusta -kirjoitus sekä juttu Veera Luukkosen gradutyöstä, joka voitti yhdistyksemme gradupalkinnon. Kuukauden Solubiologi on juuri väitellyt Erika Naakka. Lehden kansi ja jutuissa olevat solukuvat ovat Leena Matilaisen käsialaa.

Joko sinä olet lukenut uusimman Solubiologin? 😊