We were thrilled to host around 200 participants, both on-site and online, for a day filled with inspiring talks, exciting innovations, and valuable networking opportunities. 💡🤝
The Yellow Room proved to be a fantastic venue—beautiful, spacious, and perfect for both the seminar presentations and our coffee & networking session. ☕✨
A HUGE thank you to all the amazing speakers, participants, and our generous sponsors for making this event such a success:
Tampere University Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
PrecisionPhage Ltd
UPM Biomedicals
StemSight Oy
Genevia Technologies
Your contributions and enthusiasm are what drive the life sciences community forward. 💪🌟
We can’t wait to see what comes next—let’s keep the innovation and collaboration going!
At PrecisionPhage, we are on a mission to transform healthcare with bacteriophage-based solutions that address the escalating threat of antibiotic resistance. As a cutting-edge startup at the intersection of biotechnology and data science, we are developing advanced bioinformatics software to analyse key information from genomic data. We are now looking for an experienced Quality Manager to be our first dedicated quality professional, playing a crucial role in setting up and maintaining quality systems for our innovative solutions.
Why join us?
Join a team dedicated to tackling one of the world’s most pressing healthcare challenges – antibiotic resistance. You will be a core part of a growing team and shape the future of our company’s quality management and get to work alongside industry experts and scientists pushing the boundaries of biotech.
Role overview:
As our Quality Manager, you will be involved in building and implementing quality processes from the ground up and ensuring compliance with an initial focus on our bioinformatics software. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in pharmaceutical and medical device regulation, CE certification process, software quality management, relevant standards and certifications (including audits) with understanding of bioinformatics or a related field. This position will give you a unique opportunity to build and lead quality efforts and help us in our mission of combating antibiotic resistance.
The position is partly remote, partly on-site meetings and work in Jyväskylä OR Turku. Therefore, we particularly focus on applications from people residing in Jyväskylä OR Turku regions.
Key responsibilities:
With our executive team, develop, refine, execute & update a comprehensive quality strategy.
With our company executives, design and establish a quality management system (QMS) tailored to required quality requirements.
Help to create, maintain and update quality protocols, testing methodologies, and validation processes for a bioinformatics software analysing genome data.
Develop risk management,SOPs, guidelines, and other quality documentation for software maintenance, development and updates, ensuring traceability and compliance.
Oversee software testing efforts.
Lay the groundwork for future audits and ensure readiness by establishing clear documentation practices and staying current with relevant regulations and certifications.
Education: A suitable degree. Suitable certifications are a plus.
Experience: Experience in regulatory / quality work in a biotech / life sciences setting and quality management for software products. Basic understanding of bioinformatics a strong plus.
Expertise in quality management and testing methodologies.
Expertise in pharmaceutical and medical device regulation.
Expertise in CE certification process.
Knowledge of regulatory requirements and industry standards in bioinformatics and healthcare software (e.g., GxP).
Strong analytical skills with attention to detail.
Excellent documentation skills and a systematic approach to process design and implementation.
Skills in bioinformatics a strong plus.
Up for the challenge? · Please send your CV and motivation letter to careers@precisionphage.com with a title “Quality Manager / [Your name]” ·In the motivation letter, include the timing you would be able to start. ·Send application by March 31, 2025. ·We appreciate every application. Should we proceed with your application, we will get back to you.
Työnimike: Laatujohtaja Sijainti: Hybridi, Suomi, Jyväskylä OR Turku / Etätyö Yritys: PrecisionPhage Oy
Tietoa meistä: PrecisionPhage Oy on omistautunut kehittämään bakteriofageihin perustuvia ratkaisuja, jotka vastaavat antibioottiresistenssin kasvavaan uhkaan. Edustamme bioteknologian ja datatieteen innovatiivista kärkeä ja kehitämme edistynyttä bioinformatiikkaohjelmistoa genomidatan analysointiin. Etsimme nyt kokenutta laatujohtajaa ensimmäiseksi laadunhallinnan ammattilaiseksemme. Tulet olemaan keskeisessä roolissa laatujärjestelmien kehittämisessä ja ylläpidossa innovatiivisten ratkaisujemme laadun takaamiseksi.
Miksi liittyä tiimiimme? Liity tiimiin, joka on omistautunut vastaamaan yhteen maailman kiireellisimmistä terveydenhuollon haasteista – antibioottiresistenssiin. Sinusta tulee kasvavan tiimimme keskeinen jäsen, ja saat muokata yrityksemme laadunhallinnan tulevaisuutta sekä työskennellä alan huippuasiantuntijoiden ja tutkijoiden kanssa, haastaen bioteknologian rajoja.
Tehtävänkuvaus: Laatujohtajana olet mukana rakentamassa ja toteuttamassa laatuprosesseja alusta alkaen, varmistamalla vaatimustenmukaisuuden, aluksi bioinformatiikkaohjelmistomme osalta. Ihanteellisella hakijalla on vahva tausta lääke- ja lääkinnällisten laitteiden regulaatiosta, CE-sertiointiprosessista, ohjelmistojen laadunhallinnassa, liittyvistä standardeista ja sertifikaateista (mukaan lukien auditoinnit) sekä ymmärrystä bioinformatiikasta tai vastaavalta alalta. Tässä roolissa sinusta tulee operatiivisen tiimimme keskeinen asiantuntija ja saat ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden rakentaa ja johtaa laadunhallintaa sekä auttaa meitä missiossamme antibioottiresistenssin torjunnassa.
Keskeiset vastuualueet:
Kehitä, hienosäädä, toteuta ja päivitä kattava laatustrategia johtoryhmämme kanssa.
Kehitä ja pystytä johtoryhmän kanssa laatujärjestelmä (QMS), joka täyttää tarvittavat laatuvaatimukset.
Auta kehittämään ja toteuttamaan laatuprotokollia, testausmetodologioita ja validointiprosesseja genomidatan analysointiin tarkoitetulle ohjelmistolle.
Kehitä riskien hallintaa, SOP:ia, ohjeistuksia ja muuta laadunhallintadokumentaatiota ohjelmiston ylläpidolle, kehitykselle ja päivityksille.
Valvo ohjelmiston testausprosesseja.
Varmista auditointivalmius luomalla selkeät dokumentointikäytännöt ja pysymällä ajan tasalla vaadituista ja hyödyllisistä säädöksistä ja sertifioinneista.
Koulutus: Soveltuva korkeakoulututkinto. Sertifikaatit laadunhallinnasta ovat etu.
Kokemus: Kokemusta regulaatiotyöstä / laadunhallinnasta bioteknologia- tai terveysalalta sekä laadunhallinnasta ohjelmistotuotteille. Ymmärrys bioinformatiikasta suuri etu.
Vankka asiantuntemus laadunhallintasta ja testausmenetelmistä.
Tuntemusta lääke- ja lääkinnällisten laitteiden sääntelystä.
Asiantuntemus CE-sertifiointiprosessista.
Tietoa bioinformatiikan ja terveydenhuollon ohjelmistojen säädöksistä ja standardeista (esim. GxP).
Vahvat analyyttiset taidot ja huomiokyky yksityiskohtiin.
Erinomainen dokumentointiosaaminen ja järjestelmällinen lähestymistapa prosessien suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen.
Job Title: Marketing Manager Location: Hybrid: Finland, Jyväskylä OR Turku / Remote Company: PrecisionPhage Oy
About Us: At PrecisionPhage, we are pioneering innovative solutions in the fight against antibiotic-resistant infections through bacteriophage- based solutions. We are a team of experts with academic and entrepreneurial backgrounds, and we are looking for an enthusiastic Marketing Manager to join us as our first dedicated marketing professional.
Why Join Us?
Join a team dedicated to tackling one of the world’s most pressing healthcare challenges – antibiotic resistance. You will be a core part of a growing team and shape the future of our company’s marketing and get to work alongside industry experts and scientists pushing the boundaries of biotech.
Role Overview: As our Marketing Manager, you will be at the forefront of shaping and executing our marketing strategy, brand, and messaging from the ground up. This role is ideal for a hands-on, creative, and data-driven professional who is excited about the challenge of building a brand in a revolutionary deep-tech field. You will have the unique opportunity to build and lead marketing efforts that communicate our mission and position PrecisionPhage as an integral part of the emerging bacteriophage technology ecosystem.
The position is primarily remote, with occasional on-site meetings and work in Jyväskylä OR Turku. Therefore, we particularly focus on applications from people residing in Jyväskylä OR Turku regions.
Salary negotiable.
Key Responsibilities:
Develop, refine, execute & update marketing strategy: With our executive team, you will play an integral part in creating a comprehensive marketing strategy to meet company goals.
Take role in brand development, ensuring clear and compelling messaging that aligns with and promotes company mission and vision.
Develop, execute, and oversee content and brand asset creation and publication across various channels.
With our executive team, create a comprehensive tracking system enabling data-driven marketing efforts. Report key data to company executives.
Plan and execute various digital campaigns.
Take part in company meetings sharing ideas and reporting progress.
Take part in national and international conferences (optional).
Education: Suitable degree in marketing, communications, or another related field. A background in science or healthcare communications is a bonus.
Experience: Experience in marketing, strategy work, and content creation. Basic understanding of bacteriophages, bioinformatics, biotechnology industry and start-up sectors are strong pluses.
Proven expertise in digital marketing.
Excellent English writing skills.
Content and brand asset creation with relevant tools such as Adobe Illustrator /Photoshop, Figma, Canva.
Tasteful and restrained utilisation of various AI tools.
Strong analytical skills with experience using marketing analytics tools.
Ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment. Comfortable taking initiative and handling multiple responsibilities.
Basic level of Microsoft Office tools
Up For the Challenge?
Please send your CV, motivation letter, and any relevant portfolio work to careers@precisionphage.comwith a title “Marketing Manager / [Your name]”
In the motivation letter, include the timing you would be able to start.
Send application by January 6, 2025.
We appreciate every application. Should we proceed with your application, we will get back to you.
Työnimike: Markkinointipäällikkö Sijainti: Hybridi: Suomi, Jyväskylä TAI Turku / Etätyö Yritys: PrecisionPhage Oy
Tietoa meistä: PrecisionPhage Oy kehittää innovatiivisia ratkaisuja antibioottiresistenttien infektioiden torjuntaan bakteriofageihin perustuvien ratkaisujen avulla. Tiimimme koostuu asiantuntijoista, joilla on akateemista ja yritystaustaa, ja etsimme nyt innostunutta markkinointipäällikköä ensimmäiseksi markkinoinnin ammattilaiseksi tiimiimme.
Miksi liittyä tiimiimme?
Liity tiimiin, joka on sitoutunut vastaamaan yhteen maailman suurimmista terveydenhuollon haasteista – antibioottiresistenssiin. Sinusta tulee kasvavan tiimimme ydinosa ja pääset muokkaamaan yrityksemme markkinoinnin tulevaisuutta sekä työskentelemään bioteknologian rajoja haastavien asiantuntijoiden ja tutkijoiden kanssa.
Tehtävänkuvaus: Markkinointipäällikkönä olet avainasemassa markkinointistrategiamme, brändimme ja viestintämme suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa alusta alkaen. Tämä rooli sopii käytännönläheiselle, luovalle ja dataohjautuvalle ammattilaiselle, joka on innostunut rakentamaan brändiä kasvavalla syväteknologian kentällä. Sinulla on ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus rakentaa ja johtaa markkinointitoimia, jotka välittävät missiotamme ja asemoivat PrecisionPhagen olennaiseksi osaksi kehittyvää bakteriofagiteknologian ekosysteemiä.
Tehtävä on pääasiassa etätyötä, mutta satunnaisia tapaamisia ja työskentelyä paikan päällä Jyväskylässä TAI Turussa. Siksi keskitymme erityisesti hakijoihin, jotka asuvat Jyväskylän TAI Turun alueella.
Palkka neuvoteltavissa.
Keskeiset vastuualueet:
Kehitä, muokkaa, toteuta ja päivitä markkinointistrategiaa: Yhdessä johtoryhmän kanssa luot kattavan markkinointistrategian yrityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamisen edistämiseksi.
Ota vastuuta brändin kehittämisestä varmistaen, että viestintämme on selkeää ja vakuuttavaa ja tukee yrityksen missiota ja visiota.
Kehitä, toteuta ja hallinnoi sisällön ja brändiaineistojen luomista ja julkaisua eri kanavissa.
Luo yhdessä johtoryhmän kanssa kattava seuranta- ja raportointijärjestelmä, joka mahdollistaa dataohjautuvan markkinoinnin. Raportoi keskeiset tulokset yrityksen johdolle.
Suunnittele ja toteuta erilaisia digitaalisia kampanjoita.
Osallistu yrityksen sisäisiin kokouksiin tuoden uusia ideoita ja raportoi edistymisestä.
Osallistu kansallisiin ja kansainvälisiin konferensseihin (ei pakollinen).
Koulutus: Soveltuva tutkinto markkinoinnin, viestinnän tai muun vastaavan alan opinnoista. Tausta tieteen tai terveysalan viestinnässä on etu.
Kokemus: Kokemusta markkinoinnista, strategiatyöstä ja sisällöntuotannosta. Perustiedot bakteriofageista, bioinformatiikasta, bioteknologiateollisuudesta ja startup-sektorista ovat vahvoja plussia.
Explore cutting-edge functional imaging techniques at the FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on Microspectroscopy: Functional Imaging of Biological Systems, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands on 18-24 May 2025.
💡 Grants are available for young researchers! Note: Applicants must be members of a FEBS-affiliated society, such as BioBio in Finland: https://www.biobio.org/fi/seura
Are you interested in shaping the future of food by producing new sustainable food ingredients with cutting edge technology and with superb colleagues who are top experts in their field? Onego Bio might be just the place for you.
Onego Bio is a Finnish leading food-biotech company producing animal-free egg protein with precision fermentation. The company’s award-winning technology has placed them at the forefront of the industry, having cracked the code to producing bioidentical egg proteins that provide the same taste, functionality, and nutrition but without the poor efficiency and harmful impacts of animal agriculture. Onego Bio is launching its first product Bioalbumen® as an ingredient for the food industry and transforming the food system to meet the urgent sustainability requirements of the world. The company is focused on scaling precision fermentation to industrial scale with the superior Trichoderma reesei production platform.
Founded by alternative protein pioneer Maija Itkonen (CEO) and precision fermentation trailblazer Christopher Landowski (CTO), Onego Bio is a spin-off that salutes the remarkable work done by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for the next level cellular agriculture products and applications. In April 2024 Onego raised a $40M Series A funding round (one of the largest in the Nordics) for fueling scale up and go-to-market in the US. Similarly, in July 2024 Onego secured €14M / $15.2M new funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator Program and additional Series A investors. In 2024 Onego Bio has successfully raised altogether €50.5M / $55M, bringing the company’s total funding to € 65M / $70.8M. Since launching, the company has received massive international recognition, including being selected as a winner of Fast Company’s 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards. Onego Bio is a founding member of Food Fermentation Europe and Precision Fermentation Alliance US. Get to know us better by exploring our webpage www.onego.bio/about-us
We are now looking for an experienced Protein Scientist to join our R&D team in Helsinki, Finland
In this position, you will play an essential role in supporting and leading development projects within R&D and contribute towards our greater goal of providing animal-free egg protein ingredients to the world. We aim to play a significant role in building the sustainable food system with the help of our partners throughout the world. Towards this goal our team utilizes microbial production systems for expressing egg white proteins using filamentous fungi.
Your responsibilities as Protein Scientist:
Conducting scientific projects in the fields of molecular biology and protein production.
Using your expertise in molecular biology and protein engineering to address challenges in egg white protein production.
Developing protein screening technologies and workflows for novel egg white protein production.
Further developing our protein expression platforms with the newest innovations.
Comprehensive and timely documentation of activities in electronic lab notebooks and relevant databases.
Who we are looking for:
Candidate should have a Master’s degree in biotechnology, molecular biology, protein chemistry, or related field.
Proven, excellent laboratory skills and experience in molecular biology and protein science techniques, including DNA cloning and mutagenesis, protein expression, protein purification using chromatography techniques, protein analysis, assay development, and protein functional characterization.
Preference will be given to candidates with experience working in yeast or filamentous fungi.
Industrial experience working in a biotechnology company would be a big plus.
Good scientific reporting skills.
Good written and spoken English skills.
Proven ability to effectively execute and manage scientific activities: both on the bench and beyond.
As a person, we hope that you:
Independently plan your work and execute experiments skillfully and precisely.
Are self-motivated and willing to take the initiative to get things accomplished.
Eagerly want to continuously develop methods and ways of working.
Have effective communication skills.
Work well with other team members and contribute to a good working environment.
Can tolerate pressure and maintain a good work-life balance.
Are flexible to take on a variety of tasks anticipated in a start-up company.
With Onego Bio, you’ll enjoy:
Molecular biology with an impact. Onego Bio works on creating cutting-edge microbial protein production systems. Microbial production technology to produce egg white protein shows potential to significantly mitigate environmental impacts up to 90% according to recent study published in Nature Food. The positive impact of our technology does not only contribute positively on the environment but also supply chain stability, global health, food security and animal welfare. Egg is one of the world’s most popular proteins and our team stands to meet the demand in a way that preserves the future of our planet.
Superb colleagues. We offer working in a passionate environment within a fun and diverse team who want to make an impact in the world. With Onego Bio, you will join a dedicated group of top experts in their respective fields who foster a culture of trust, openness, and sharing ideas.
Competitive salary. We want to attract the best people, so we will provide competitive salaries.
Nordic work–life balance. Working in Finland, the happiest country in the world, enables a high quality of life. At Onego Bio, we make our people’s well-being a priority. We offer 6 weeks paid vacation a year, among other benefits including extended occupational healthcare, and exercise and culture benefits.
Employment type: Full-time, Permanent
Location: Helsinki Finland (on site)
Apply now and join our community of brilliant minds!
Please send your CV, application letter and salary request as a combined file as soon as possible but at the latest by 30th November 2024. We will process applications as they come in and fill the position as soon as we find the right candidate.
Interested and want to hear more?
For further information, please contact: Senior Scientist, Dr. Sudeep Karki, email: sudeep.karki@onego.bio
Orion Animal Health is seeking to hire a Regulatory Affairs Officer to join our team of regulatory professionals!
Description of Position
The purpose of this role is to contribute to the management and support of regulatory activities for veterinary medicinal products, ensuring they meet global standards. As a Regulatory Affairs Officer you will have the opportunity to develop expertise in regulatory procedures, particularly for new marketing authorisation applications in the EU and US. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of regulatory guidelines and processes while collaborating with internal teams, and global partners. Additionally, the position involves ensuring compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and regulatory procedures, playing a key part in supporting the company’s broader regulatory strategy.
As a Regulatory Affairs Officer, you will play a key role in the entire lifecycle of veterinary medicinal products – from the development of new medicinal products to initial global marketing authorisation applications, market launches as well as maintaining current authorisations.
You will collaborate closely with the Orion Animal Health regulatory team located in Finland, Belgium and France, as well as with other organisations and stakeholders internally and externally.
Your main responsibilities as a Regulatory Affairs Officer will include:
preparing administrative documentation for global regulatory submissions (e.g. Clinical Trial Authorisations, Marketing Authorisation Applications, variations) in EU, USA and elsewere
engaging with Competent Health Authorities before and during regulatory proceedings
preparing and updating product information materials (Summary of Product Characteristics, label, package leaflet)
serving as a regulatory affairs expert in cross-functional teams and/or in projects
documenting outcome of regulatory procedures in our IT-systems and request change controls
review and approval of artwork
coordinate regulatory procedures internally, with service providers and global partners
follow GxP practices, regulatory procedures, and processes
You have the opportunity to develop yourself as a regulatory affairs expert and to contribute to global regulatory strategies. This is a permanent position based in Turku, Finland.
Description of Unit
This position is located in the Regulatory Affairs & Pharmaceutical Development team, which belongs to the Animal Health R&D organisation within the Orion Animal Health Business Unit. In this dynamic cross-functional team we have experts from different areas of expertise working across different countries: Finland, France and Belgium.
Orion Corporation’s business division Animal Health (AH) comprises more than 350 employees in 11 countries. We produce and distribute over 300 veterinary medicines and are present in over 100 markets around the world servicing the needs of our customers in both the companion animal and livestock sectors. Our manufacturing and supply chain operations are located in Finland, France and Belgium.
Orion Corporation is a pharmaceutical company listed on the Helsinki, Finland stock exchange. Read more about Orion as an employer from the website https://www.orion.fi/en/careers/orion-as-an-employer/
We Offer
We offer you versatile, interesting and challenging responsibilities in a multi-professional and international environment. You will be part of a great team with skilled and highly motivated colleagues. Appreciation of colleagues and continuous development are part of our core values. You will have the chance to grow your skills, learn new things, and improve your strengths. We offer a supportive working environment and development opportunities.
The ideal candidate would have the following qualifications and competencies:
A relevant educational background, such as Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in, e.g. Pharmacy, Life sciences or Languages
Good co-operation and team working skills, but also capability to work independently
Strong attention to detail and precision
Willing to stick to deadlines
A desire to learn and grow
Readiness to take responsibility and willingness to develop processes further
Proactiveness and solution-orientated mindset
Fluent communication and negotiation skills in English. Skills in other languages is an adventage
Good skills in MS Office
Hands-on experience of regulatory affairs or other expert work in the pharmaceutical industry is considered an advantage.
Additional Information
If you think this position is made for you, please send your CV and your application no later than 17th November 2024.
Inquiries can be done by telephone: Kristina Bergström, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager, tel. +358 50966 7618 on 4th Nov 9:00-11:30, 7th Nov 11:00-12:00 and 14th Nov 12:00-14:30.
We will carry out a security clearance prior to the employment for the selected person.
Orion Corporation operates in more than 30 countries, where we Orionees, 3600 in total, work in all kinds of positions. Among us there are Research Scientists, Laboratory Technicians, Engineers and IT Specialists as well as people working in Production, just to mention some examples. We offer diverse and responsible jobs to our personnel in a truly multi-disciplinary work environment. We encourage people to develop their competences and offer opportunities to affect the job description and creating their own career path at Orion. We are searching for top talents who are ready to share our passion for the work that we do.
The University of Eastern Finland is inviting applications for a Project Researcher position on the Institute of Biomedicine, Kuopio Campus. The position will be filled from 1 January 2025 (or as agreed). Please find more information below and submit your application by 30 November 2024.
Role and salary
We are seeking a Project Researcher with strong skills in computer science, statistics and bioinformatics for a 6-month intern position. The Computational Genomics Lab is led by Dr. Lu Cheng at the Institute of Biomedicine at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Kuopio, Finland.
The main responsibilities of the Project Researcher include:
conducting research in one of the following fields:
Nanopore sequencing of proteins
Super-enhancer data analysis
Large language model for scRNA-seq data
participating in the preparation of research projects and grant applications in your field,
reporting and producing high-quality scientific publications,
The position will be filled for a 6-month term from 1 January 2025 (or as agreed). The position will be filled for a fixed term due to it pertaining to a specific project task. A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff.
The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of the Finnish universities. The salary comprises two elements: a job requirement element and a personal performance element. In these positions, the job-related salary element is based on level 2 of the job requirement level chart, and the personal salary element is 6–50% of the job-related salary element. The estimated monthly salary at the beginning of the employment will be EUR 2,448– 2,671 /month.
Our requirements and expectations
A completed or close to completed Master’s degree in a field relevant to the project
If the applicant doesn´t have the Master´s degree, the title of the position will be Research Trainee, in which case the job-related salary element is based on level 1 of the job requirement level chart and the personal salary element will be 6–50% of the job-related salary element.
Research experience: Demonstrated experience in research
Proficiency in programming in Python and R.
Proficiency with Linux, bash
Familiarity with machine learning topics
Excellent skills in oral and written English.
The following will be considered an advantage:
High motivation in research
Strong programming skills
Experience with machine learning method development.
Your benefits
You will have access to the university’s staff benefits, including
opportunity for flexible multi-location work
extensive occupational health care
broad selection of staff training
staff discount on lunch in our campus restaurants, as well as on a range of other services
affordable sports services and tax-free bike benefit.
You will have an opportunity to work in an interesting/meaningful/diverse role as part of our international, creative, participatory and inclusive academic community.
Enjoy your life in Finland! Known for its cleanliness, welfare know-how, modern technology and superb education system, Finland is an exotic and safe country to work in. Please visit the Life in Finland section on our website to learn more.
How to apply?
Submit your application by using our electronic application form no later than 30 November 2024 by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2)
Please note that you must include the following appendices in your application
copies of your academic degree certificates / diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas relating to your language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas
motivation letter: a detailed letter explaining your interest in the project, how you believe you can contribute to our objectives, and why you consider yourself a strong fit for the role
names and contact details of 2 references
For further information on the position, please contact Dr Lu Cheng, +358 50 463 2350, lu.cheng@uef.fi
For further information on the application procedure, please contact: Human Resources hrbiomed@uef.fi
The Faculty of Health Sciences operates at the Kuopio Campus of the University of Eastern Finland. The Faculty offers education in medicine, dentistry, nutrition and pharmacy, as well as in some other central fields of the health care sector. The Faculty is research-intensive, and its internationally recognised research activities are closely linked to the strategic research areas of the University. There are approximately 3 090 degree students and about 580 PhD students in the Faculty. The faculty has 800 staff members.
The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Our university employs approximately 3,200 employees, and our community includes approximately 17,000 degree students and 16,000 adult education students. Our campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio. We represent the world’s cutting edge of research in many fields and produce research-based knowledge, which is made openly available to benefit everyone. Learn more about our university at www.uef.fi/en. Read also about UEF as a working community and employer and the career stories of our employees.
Applications are invited for 1-3 fully funded PhD positions in Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä. Positions will start on August 1st 2025 or as agreed, for a maximum of fixed term of four years.
The Doctoral Programme in Biological and Environmental Science offers doctoral education in Aquatic Science, Ecology and Evolution Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology and Environmental Science. The selected Doctoral Researcher will be assigned to the appropriate research group in the Department.
1. Determining the mechanism causing intraspecific variation in fungal traits that impact carbon use efficiency in soils, supervisor Carlos Aguilar-Trigueros
Can a single fungal species vary its growth or metabolism? Does that variation impact carbon dynamics? We are looking for one student to address these unanswered, fundamental questions! Fungi play a crucial role in soil carbon dynamics by assimilating carbon during growth—which enhances soil carbon storage—and by releasing CO₂ through metabolism, and this project will answer these questions by measuring how Neurospora crassa adjusts its growth and metabolism in response to genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity. This project is an incredible research opportunity for a PhD student to significantly advance our understanding of fungal ecology and soil carbon dynamics. This PhD program is part of a larger Academy Research Fellowship project focused on predicting fungal contributions to carbon cycling based on their traits. It provides a unique opportunity to test the hypothesis—namely, that because fungi have an adaptable, non-centralized, web-like body, their growth is exceptionally variable. The PhD student chosen for this four-year project will be offered a unique balance of independent and structured work as she or he pursues four integrated objectives: (1) quantifying trait variation in N. crassa, (2) assessing phenotypic plasticity across conditions, (3) disentangling genetic vs. environmental contributions to trait variation, and (4) identifying genetic markers via GWAS. The PhD student chose for this project will gain essential transferrable skills in: (1) trait-based ecological theory; (2) handling living collections of fungi in the lab; (3) trait measurement in controlled environments; (4) advanced image analysis using MatLab; (5) analyzing complex data using R; and (6) Genome-Wide-Association Analysis (GWAS). This exciting opportunity will take place in a highly dynamic ecology lab at JYU and integrates foundational theory with technical, analytical, and cutting-edge methodological skills to address a global ecological concern.
2. The biodiversity drivers of soil microarthropods, supervisor Sten Anslan
We are seeking a dedicated PhD candidate to join our research project on soil biodiversity. This PhD project aims to uncover the drivers of soil microarthropod diversity and their role in regulating soil microbial communities. The candidate will employ techniques such as DNA metabarcoding, as well as microscopy and DNA barcoding to enhance the DNA reference library for soil microarthropods, facilitating high-throughput biomonitoring.
For more information, please contact the project leader Sten Anslan
3. Land use change and browning of lakes – long-term impacts on lake biogeochemistry and communities, supervisor Minna Hiltunen
Browning of freshwater systems (i.e. increase in water color) due to increased leaching of organic matter and iron from the catchment has affected many lakes during the past few decades. One important driver of browning is land use change, for example logging, ditching, and peat mining in the catchment area of the lake. Browning can influence the structure and function of lakes in many ways, such as changing the elemental cycles, or decreasing the diversity and biomass of invertebrates and fish. This PhD project will study how forestry practices have influenced browning of lakes, and what kind of changes this has caused in lake biogeochemistry, production, and biological communities. The study will utilize lake sediment time series from lakes with different histories of forestry practices in their catchment, and investigate the trends of browning in these lakes during the past approximately 100 years. The study sites for the PhD project will be chosen based on GIS analyses and the land use history explored for example from old aerial photographs, remotely sensed forest loss, or historical land use maps. The collaboration network of the project, which includes the Research Council of Finland -funded project Hippicap at JYU, and researchers from Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE) and several universities in Canada, will provide state-of-the-art methodology for studying lake browning and valuable contacts for the PhD candidate. An eligible candidate should hold a Master’s degree in biology, aquatic sciences, ecology, environmental sciences, geosciences, or forest sciences.
For more information, please contact the project leader Minna Hiltunen
4. Colorectal Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) in Tumor Progression, supervisor Tiina Jokela
The project explores the role of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in colorectal cancer, focusing on their impact on ECM remodeling, tissue stiffness, metastasis and overall cancer progression. Through multiplex immunohistochemistry, we will analyze CAF phenotypes and their interaction with tumor. Additionally, advanced techniques like Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) will be used to assess ECM changes and tissue stiffness. Combining these methods, the study aims to uncover how CAFs contribute to tumor progression and metastasis, providing potential therapeutic insights for colorectal cancer.
For more information, please contact the project leader Tiina Jokela
5. Natural mucosal viromes in the health of vertebrates, supervisor Reetta Penttinen
In natural environments, bacteria are constantly accompanied by local viromes. These interactions are a key element in maintaining the structure and evolution of microbial communities. In vertebrates, the mucous layers in particular form a central interface for bacteria and phages to counteract. While the importance of mucosal microbiomes, such as those of the human gut, is well established, the role of mucosal virome on vertebrate health has remained poorly understood. In this PhD project, we attempt to address this question by studying the impact of mucins as well as antibiotic treatment on mucosal virome and on bacterial community. The main research questions of this PhD project are: 1) How does the presence of mucin or antibiotics modify the gut virome? 2) How is mucosal virome linked to vertebrate health and does it protect from bacterial pathogens? 3) Does the presence of mucin modify the interactions of phages and their bacterial hosts via CRISPR immunity? The project will utilize gut microcosms and zebra fish infection model to investigate the role of microbial interactions in vertebrate homeostasis.
For more information, please contact the project leader Reetta Penttinen
6. Sustainability challenges in increasing wind power in forested landscapes, supervisor Johanna Yletyinen
The plan to significantly increase wind power construction in Finland’s forested areas has raised concerns about the diverse effects of wind farms on forest wildlife, land use, and local communities, including their role in the decision-making process. However, the negative local effects of wind farms are often defended by citing the critical role of wind energy in the national and global sustainability transformation strategies. This project will investigate the effects of wind farm installations in forests on the resilience of local social-ecological systems and develop an integrated social-ecological framework to guide sustainable wind farm development in forested landscapes. By emphasizing the multi-scalar nature of sustainability transformations, the project will develop solutions for balancing national wind energy goals with local environmental protection and community well-being.
For more information, please contact the project leader Johanna Yletyinen
An eligible candidate needs to have
A Master’s degree, or are about to obtain a Master’s degree, in a relevant discipline.
Strong interest to the research project you are applying to.
Curiosity and interest in fundamental scientific questions.
Ability and motivation to work as part of a team, combined with independence and problem-solving skills.
The tasks of a Doctoral Researcher focus on research aiming at the completion of a doctoral thesis, doctoral studies, assisting teaching tasks, and other related tasks.
The duties, qualification requirements and language skills of a Doctoral Researcher are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines. The MSc degree required for the position must have been completed before starting the position. A good command of English is required. Doctoral Researcher needs to be also enrolled in the doctoral programme which can be applied with a separate application from the Faculty of Mathematics and Science after selection for the position. The employment starts with a trial period of six months.
We offer
At the University of Jyväskylä, you are a recognized member of our community with a unique opportunity to influence international research. You get to participate in our international and multidisciplinary community where the welfare of each individual is important. At the University of Jyväskylä, we offer a great and lively campus area with opportunities to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.
Finland has a high standard of living, with free schooling (also in English), affordable childcare, good family benefits, and healthcare. Jyväskylä is located in central Finland amidst Finnish lakes and has excellent opportunities for different nature, outdoor, and sports activities. The city of Jyväskylä is a major educational center and the city has a large student population. As such there is a vibrant cultural scene in the city. To find useful information about the University of Jyväskylä, the City of Jyväskylä, and living in Finland, University’s International Staff Guide.
The initial annual salary will be approximately 30,000 EUR (gross income, including a holiday bonus). With progress of the thesis work, the salary will be revised in accordance with the Collective Agreement of Finnish Universities. The employment starts with a trial period of six months.
How to apply
Please attach the following documents to the online application form in English and in PDF format:
A Curriculum vitae, composed according to good scientific practice and considering the template for researcher´s curriculum vitae by The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and including contact information of two academics willing to provide a reference
A short and informal motivation/cover letter (max 2 pages), including your research interests, career goals and previous experience and merits in relation to the qualifications for this position. It should be clearly identified the project which is applied for.
Degree certificate (highest degree, or the date of completion the MSc)
Other relevant documents (eg. English language test record)
At the end of the application form, select the project you are applying to. Research plan is not needed at this point. Applications sent via emails will not be considered.
For more information of the call, please contact professor Varpu Marjomäki, varpu.s.marjomaki@jyu.fi.
In recruitment, we follow the Code of Conduct and Recommendations for the Recruitment of Researchers as defined in the European Charter for Researchers European Charter for Researchers. The University of Jyväskylä is committed to fairness, consistency and transparency in selection decisions, and undertakes the recommendations for the responsible evaluation of a researcher in Finland and DORA-declaration. The application process is transparent, professional and international. We communicate openly with the applicants throughout the recruitment process.
We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for this position.
Apply between 28 October 2024 and 24 November 2024 23:59 (Europe/Helsinki)
Department of Biological and Environmental Science
The research in the Department of Biological and Environmental Science focuses on three core areas: evolutionary biology, natural resources and environment, and biological nanoscience. The Department building, Ambiotica, is an integral part of the University of Jyväskylä’s Ylistönrinne Mathematics and Science Research Complex, which includes buildings of chemistry, physics and nanoscience. Ambiotica houses high quality laboratories for bioscience and experimental facilities for a wide range of biological and chemical analyses as well as highly motivated laboratory personnel.
The University of Jyväskylä is a human-centered environment of 2,500 experts and 14,500 students. Our goal is to create wisdom and wellbeing for all. JYU’s naturally beautiful campus is located in the heart of the city of Jyväskylä. JYU is the third largest employer in Central Finland.
Valtakunnallinen PET-keskus hakee 1-2 väitöskirjatutkijaa tai projektitutkijaa määräaikaiseen tehtävään alkaen syksyllä 2024 (tarkka aloituspäivä sovittavissa) ja päättyen 31.12.2028.
Haemme tutkijaa hankkeeseemme, jossa kartoitetaan positroniemissiotomografian ja toiminnallisen magneettikuvantamisen avulla aivojen ja muun kehon tunnesilmukoiden toimintaa. Hanketta johtaa prof. Lauri Nummenmaa ja sitä rahoittaa Euroopan tiedeneuvosto (ERC).
Väitöskirjatutkijan / projektitutkijan tehtäviin kuuluu PET- ja MRI tutkimusten tekeminen, tutkimusaineistojen analysoiminen ja niiden raportoiminen. Lisäksi tehtäviin kuuluu laboratorion digitaalisten tietovarantojen ylläpidossa avustaminen.
Etsimämme henkilö
Etsimme henkilöä, joka on kiinnostunut kokeellisesta PET- tai MRI-kuvantamisesta, kognitiivisesta ja affektiivisesta neurotieteestä tai psykiatrisesta kuvantamisesta. Hakijoilta edellytetään maisterin tutkintoa soveltuvalta alalta (esimerkiksi lääketiede, tekniikka, luonnontieteet tai psykologia). Hyvä kirjallinen ja suullinen englannin kielen taito on välttämätön. Etsimällämme henkilöllä on kyky itsenäiseen tutkimustyöhön sekä koehenkilöiden kanssa työskentelemiseen, valmiudet opetella kuvantamisaineistojen käsittelemistä sekä perustiedot tutkimusaineiston tilastollisesta analyysista ja tieteellisestä kirjoittamisesta. Kyky työskennellä suuressa kansainvälisessä tutkimusryhmässä on myös välttämätön.
Lisäksi väitöskirjatutkijalta edellytetään korkeakoulututkinnon suorittamisen yhteydessä tai muutoin osoitettua kykyä ja motivoitumista jatko-opintoihin ja tohtorintutkinnon suorittamiseen tutkimussuunnitelman mukaisesti.
Mikäli tehtävään valittavalla ei ole tohtorintutkinnon opinto-oikeutta tehtävään valittaessa, tehtävä täytetään nimikkeellä projektitutkija.
Kilpailukykyisen palkan
Huipputason tutkimusympäristön
Erinomaisen työyhteisön
Monipuoliset ja vaihtelevat työtehtävät
Palkkaus ja koeaika
Palkka määräytyy yliopistojen palkkausjärjestelmän (YPJ) opetus- ja tutkimushenkilöstön vaativuustason OV02 mukaisesti, jolloin tehtäväkohtainen palkka on 2 225,83 €/kk. Tehtäväkohtaisen palkanosan lisäksi maksetaan henkilökohtaiseen suoriutumiseen perustuvaa palkanosaa. Kokoaikaisesti työskentelevän väitöskirjatutkijan/projektitutkijan aloituspalkka on työsuhteen alussa noin 2 400-2 600 euroa/kk, riippuen aiemmasta kokemuksesta ja osaamisesta.
Tehtävässä on kuuden (6) kuukauden koeaika.
Toimita hakemuksesi Turun yliopiston sähköisen hakemusjärjestelmän kautta viimeistään 14.11.2024 kello 16.00. Laadi hakemusdokumentit englanniksi.
Hakemukseen tulee liittää:
Kopio tutkintotodistuksista
Suosituskirjeet nyt avoinna olevaa tehtävää varten kahdelta aikaisemmalta ohjaajalta tai esimieheltä yhteystietoineen
Lisätietoja avoimesta tehtävästä antaa prof. Lauri Nummenmaa Turun PET-keskuksessa (latanu@utu.fi).
https://www.oulu.fi/fi/yliopisto/tiedekunnat-ja-yksikot/luonnontieteellinen-tiedekunta/ekologia-ja-genetiikka tehdään monipuolista ja laaja-alaista biologista tutkimusta ja koulutetaan osaajia opetus-, tutkimus- ja asiantuntijatehtäviin. Yksikön tutkimusryhmissä tutkitaan useisiin ekologiaan, genetiikkaan ja molekyylibiologiaan sekä näiden rajapintoihin liittyviä aiheita.
Työtehtävät Yliopisto-opettajan tehtävänä on toimia superomaopettajana kaikille kandivaiheen biologian opiskelijoille koko heidän kanditutkintonsa ajan, sekä kansallisen biologian koulutusyhteistyön koordinaattorina.
Mitä tarjoamme? – Ekologian ja genetiikan yksikössä pääset kehittymään ja jakamaan asiantuntemustasi. – Ison organisaation tarjoamat kehitys- ja uramahdollisuudet. – Merkityksellisen työn ja toimintakulttuurin, jossa sinulla on vapaus työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamiseen. https://www.oulu.fi/fi/yliopisto/toihin-yliopistoon. – Liikunta-, kulttuuri- ja hyvinvointietuja (ePassi). https://www.oulu.fi/fi/yliopisto/toihin-yliopistoon/henkilostoedut.
Mitä etsimme? Odotamme sinulta:
– Ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa biologian alalta tai ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa ja vähintään 60 opintopistettä yliopistotasoisia biologian opintoja. – Hyviä yhteistyö- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja sekä sujuvaa suullista ja kirjallista suomen ja englannin kielen taitoa.
Lisäksi katsomme eduksi:
– Yliopistopedagoginen tai pedagoginen koulutus – Opinto-ohjaajan koulutus, muu ohjaajakoulutus tai opinnäytetöiden ohjauskokemus – Kokemus verkko-opintojen kehittämisestä ja opetuksesta – Kokemus laajojen verkostojen koordinoinnista – Tuntemus Oulun yliopistosta opiskelu- ja/tai työskentely-ympäristönä
Palkkaus Tehtävä on määräaikainen neljälle vuodelle alkaen 1.1.2025 (tai sopimuksen mukaan).
Tehtävä sijoittuu yliopiston palkkausjärjestelmän opetus- ja tutkimushenkilöstön vaativuustasolle 5. Lisäksi maksetaan henkilökohtaiseen suoriutumiseen perustuvaa palkanosaa, joka on enintään 50 % tehtäväkohtaisesta palkanosasta. Palkka vastaavissa tehtävissä on tyypillisesti 3700-4000 €/kk. Tehtävässä sovelletaan 6 kuukauden koeaikaa.
Kuinka hakea? Jos kiinnostuit, haethan paikkaa rekrytointijärjestelmän kautta viimeistään 15.11.2024. Liitä mukaan:
– Hakemus, johon liitetään kahden suosittelijan yhteystiedot – CV – Opetusportfolio, joka sisältää seuraavat otsikoidut kohdat: – Opetusfilosofia ja opetusmenetelmät – Opetuskokemus ja opetuksen kehittäminen – Oppimateriaalin tuottaminen – Ammatillinen kehitys opettajana – Opetuksesta saatu palaute (opiskelija-arviot, vertaisarvioit, palkinnot ja hyväksytyt opetusnäytteet) – Tavoitteet ja kehittymissuunnitelmat opettamisessa
Tehtävään parhaiten soveltuvat hakijat kutsutaan haastatteluun etäyhteydellä tai kasvokkain. Opetustaitoa arvioidaan opetusportfolion ja opetusnäytteen perusteella. Tulemme olemaan yhteydessä kaikkiin hakijoihin hakuprosessin aikana.