
A Post-doctoral researcher in Cancer Cell Signaling – Turku Bioscience Centre



Post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Professor Jukka Westermarck at the Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. We are looking for highly motivated researchers with PhD degree (or soon-to-be) to join our dynamic research group broadly focused on understanding the regulation and function of tumor suppressor Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in human cancers (https://bioscience.fi/research/cancer-cell-signaling/profile/).

This project is focused on characterization of novel PP2A-dependent mechanisms that potentially mediate synergistic oncogenic activities of RAS activation and PP2A inhibition. The question how RAS activity and PP2A inhibition synergize in cancer is of fundamental importance as PP2A inhibition is a molecular requirement for RAS-driven cellular transformation. Based on our recent phosphoproteome analysis, we have identified several interesting RAS/PP2A-regulated candidate mechanisms that could have widespread ramifications to cancer biology. Also, recent data from others and us indicate that PP2A reactivation may open entirely new perspectives for treatment of RAS mutant cancer patients with otherwise dismal prognosis.

Turku Bioscience Centre (TBC), University of Turku is a top-quality research center harbouring several research groups with distinguished publication profile (https://bioscience.fi). The centre harbours excellent core facilities facilitating use of world-class state-of-art technologies for all aspects of the project (https://bioscience.fi/services). Furthermore, BioCity Turku umbrella organization offers very high-quality research training including frequent seminars by world recognized speakers. Last but not least, Finland is a country with world´s happiest people and excellent quality of life. 

Candidate requirements:

  • PhD or MD/PhD (already obtained or soon-to-be)                                         
  • Highly motivated person with strong interest in translational cancer research
  • Strong experience in cancer research and/or cell biology and signalling demonstrated by at least one first author publication in a relevant journal
  • Fluent spoken and written English

Preferrable technical competencies:

  • Experience on Crispr/Cas9-mediated genome editing
  • Experience on functional genetic screens
  • Experience on bioinformatics analysis of large datasets

For further information or inquiries regarding this post, please contact Jukka Westermarck by e-mail: jukwes@utu.fi. Dead-line for sending applications is  30.6.2022 and the position is available starting immediately thereafter. Post starts with a 4-month trial period, and is until the end of June 2024, funded by Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. Continuation of the project beyond July 2024 is very likely upon successful completion of the first funding period.

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of Finnish universities.This position belongs to the teaching and research personnel and the estimated salary will be ca. 3100 – 3600 eur/month for a person with PhD.

A link to the electronic application system can be found at www.utu.fi/careers  . The application should include your CV, list of publications and a motivation letter clearly describing how your profile matches to candidate requirements listed above, and other previous achievements in the field. Also include names and contact information of three references. 

Selected recent publications:

Vainonen et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2021

Laine and Nagelli et al., Cancer Research, 2021

Vervoort et al., Cell,2021

Mäkelä et al., Clinical Cancer Research, 2021

Kauko et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2018