A postdoctoral position in Developmental Neurobiology (Partanen lab, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, UH)
26.9.2018A graduate student/postdoctoral fellow position in Developmental Neurobiology
Site of research: Molecular and Integrative Biosciences Research Program, Faculty of Biological and environmental Sciences, Viikki Biocenter, University of Helsinki
Title of the project: Brainstem neurons behind mood, memory and motivation – from development to behavioral control
Background and aim: Brainstem nuclei are critically important for regulation of mood, motivation and voluntary movements. Abnormal function of these neurons is involved in neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression, addiction, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. Unlike the brainstem dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons, the other brainstem neurons, including inhibitory GABAergic neurons, are very poorly understood. Using techniques, such as single cell mRNA sequencing and gene modified mice, we have revealed a framework for development of the main brainstem GABAergic neuron groups.
Having identified the cell types, we can now address the following questions:
How are these brainstem GABAergic neuron subgroups incorporated into brain circuits?
How do they regulate mood, memory, motivation and movement?
An enthusiastic post-doctoral fellow/student can join our group to study these questions.
Funding: The project in funded by the Academy of Finland. The salary is based on the University of Helsinki salary scale.
Timing: The post-doctoral fellow contract until 31.8.2019, with possible extension.
Application details: Application should include a letter of motivation, CV with the list of publications and contact information of at least two persons for references. The dead-line for applications is October 22nd, 2018. Contact for inquiries and applications: Prof. Juha Partanen (Juha.M.Partanen@Helsinki.Fi), Molecular and Integrative Biosciences Research Program, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 00014-University of Helsinki, Finland.