
Doctoral Students in Molecular Medicine, Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence – FIMM-EMBL & HIIT International PhD Call 2020


In collaboration with the Nordic EMBL Partnership in Molecular Medicine and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, FIMM announces the opening of the 2020 call for applications for Doctoral Students in Molecular Medicine, Bioinformatics, and Artificial Intelligence as part of the FIMM-EMBL International PhD recruitment and training program. In this program, outstanding doctoral students are recruited to the institute-level rotation program where they will work with two to three different research groups during a six to nine month period prior to matching to a research group in which they remain for their doctoral studies. The program provides an exciting opportunity to explore different research areas and working environments as well as to learn a variety of science and technologies, making connections within and beyond the institute.

The detailed call announcement can be found on the FIMM Open Positions page. The deadline for applications is 2 February 2020, and application instructions are available within the announcement.