
Post­doc­to­ral Fel­low in Hema­to­lo­gical Single-Cell Ge­no­mics – University of Helsinki



University of Helsinki is currently seeking a

Postdoctoral Fellow in Hematological Single-Cell Genomics

A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the research groups of Dr. Outi Kilpivaara and Dr. Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, and Dr. Esa Pitkänen at the Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki. Project co-principal investigators and collaborators are Dr. Caroline Heckman (FIMM), Dr. Kirsi Jahnukainen (HUS Helsinki University Hospital), Dr. Mika Kontro (HUS) and Dr. Markus Vähä-Koskela (FIMM).

Catching the early transcriptomic and genetic events in hematopoietic progenitor cells in bone marrow failure (BMF), and correlating these during progression to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and further to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), may allow therapeutic intervention before the point-of-no-return. This project, supported by the iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Flagship, seeks to expand our understanding of the inherited mutations that cause BMF/MDS as well as the acquired changes that occur during progression to leukemia, using state-of-the-art molecular technologies to guide leukemia precision medicine. Our mission is to decipher leukemogenesis by meticulous multi-omics profiling of primary BMF, MDS, and AML samples.

The Postdoctoral Fellow will be leading this effort by studying how leukemias arise from premalignant conditions utilizing single-cell and bulk DNA/RNA sequencing technologies, machine learning and data analytics.

The Hematological Genetics lab is led by PI Dr. Outi Kilpivaara, and the clinical PI of our group is Dr. Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/hematological-genetics). Our research stems from the intriguing curiosity towards mechanisms of hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis, and furthermore, how the identified mutations or genetic variation may contribute to blood formation on a molecular level. Similarly, there is a great quest for advancing the use of genetic information in the hematologic clinics to advance the treatment of patients.

Machine Learning in Biomedicine group led by Dr. Pitkänen at FIMM develops novel machine learning methods and models to answer key questions in biomedicine: how do mutations arise and contribute to disease? How to accurately predict cancer patient outcomes? What is the role of inherited genetic factors in diseases? We focus on answering these questions in cancers and hematological malignancies. We create scalable and multimodal machine learning techniques utilizing genome, transcriptome, epigenome and imaging data to build clinically useful computational tools (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/machine-learning-in-biomedicine).

The ideal candidate would have a background in genetics / bioinformatics / hemato-oncology, and hold a PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics, computer science, genetics, hematology, machine learning, or other relevant field. Candidates with a PhD degree close to completion are encouraged to apply. The candidate should have a good grasp of single-cell sequencing data analysis techniques and proficiency in programming. Proficiency in English is expected.

Contract: The position is for one to two years. A six-month trial period will be applied. The starting salary will be approximately 3400-3500 EUR/month depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience, and including a salary component based on personal performance. Standard Finnish pension benefits and occupational health care are provided for University employees.

How to apply: The application should include (i) CV, (ii) a list of publications, (iii) a one-page statement of research interests and motivation for applying for this position and (iv) contact information of at least two reference persons who have agreed to provide a written statement on behalf of the applicant. Documents should be submitted as a single PDF file.
To apply, please sub

For further information about the position, contact Outi Kilpivaara (outi.kilpivaara@helsinki.fi), Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto (ulla.wartiovaara-kautto@hus.fi), and Esa Pitkänen (esa.pitkanen@helsinki.fi). For questions regarding the recruitment process, please contact HR Specialist Anu Roine (anu.roine@helsinki.fi). Technical support regarding the recruitment system: rekrytointi@helsinki.fi.

The University of Helsinki is an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. It is one of the leading multidisciplinary research universities and ranks among the top 100 international universities in the world.

The Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) is an international research unit focusing on human genomics and personalised medicine at the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) of the University of Helsinki – a leading Nordic university with a strong commitment to life science research. As part of Academic Medical Center Helsinki in Meilahti campus FIMM collaborates locally with the Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki University Hospital and National Institute for Health and Welfare. FIMM is part of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, composed of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the centres for molecular medicine in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and the EU-LIFE Community. FIMM also provides excellent training opportunities for postdoctoral researchers through the FIMMPOD postdoctoral program.

iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Flagship is an innovative multidisciplinary initiative that brings together some of the world’s leading actors in cancer genomics, translational and clinical cancer research, digital health, information technology, machine learning and business to solve one of the most pressing challenges of our time – cancer (https://www.digitalprecisioncancermedicine.fi). This unique ecosystem will be based on two national cancer research Centers of Excellence at the University of Helsinki and the first Nordic Comprehensive Cancer Center at Helsinki University Hospital HUS with an aim to synergize with the national cancer center FICAN and its regional node FICAN South.

Finland is a member of the EU, has high quality free schooling (also in English), generous family benefits and healthcare, and was recently ranked as the best country in the world for expat families and in the world’s top ten most livable cities. Finland and the Helsinki region possess top expertise in sciences in terms of a vibrant talent pool, leading research, strong support services and functioning collaboration networks. For more information about working at the University of Helsinki and living in Finland, please see helsinki.fi/en/university/working-at-the-university.

Haku päät­tyy

19.02.2021 23:59 EET