
Senior Research Fellow/Postdoctoral Researcher, Medical Microbiology and Immunology – University of Oulu



Senior Research Fellow/Postdoctoral Researcher position is available in the field of Medical microbiology and immunology in the Research Unit of Biomedicine, at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu (http://www.oulu.fi/medicine/ ).

Research Environment

The University of Oulu in Northern Finland, with approximately 16,000 students and 3,000 employees, is an international, multidisciplinary research university with a rich pool of creative and intellectual talent. The strengths of the University include broad, multidisciplinary research interests, a modern research and study environment, and wide cooperation with international research and educational institutes (http://www.oulu.fi/university/ ).

Subject field and description of the position

The research field for the position will be medical microbiology and immunology. The duration of the position is for 5 years. The starting date is August 1, 2019, or as soon as possible thereafter. A six-month trial period will be effective in the beginning of the 5-year contract.

The successful applicant must hold a PhD degree in biomedicine, or related discipline.

Fluency in both written and spoken English, experience in writing scientific publications, teaching experience as well as good communication and teamwork skills are required. Activity in the scientific community, supervision experience, ability to participate teaching preferably in Finnish and potential in acquiring supplementary funding will be taken as merits.

Furthermore, an applicant for the Senior Research Fellow position should have postdoctoral experience in the relevant research field (preferably including mobility) and demonstrated ability for research supervision and acquiring supplementary funding. As part, the duties also include supervising scientific research of BSc, MSc, and PhD students. Participation in teaching in medical microbiology and immunology, and in acquiring research funding are expected.


The salary will be based on level 6 or 7 (Senior Research Fellow) or level 5 (Postdoctoral Researcher) of the demand level chart for university-level teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component).

Application Procedure

The following documents must be attached to the application (in English):

1) Curriculum vitae

2) List of publications

3) Brief description of research merits and experience

4) Description of teaching merits

5) Contact information of two persons who may be asked to give a statement of the candidate

Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, must be submitted using the electronic application system form by June 9th, 2019.

Applications sent by email will not be considered.

More information

Professor Timo Hautala
