
Two postdoctoral positions in the Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research (PCPR) at the University of Pittsburgh

Two postdoctoral positions, funded by an NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, are available on or after February 1, 2017 in the Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research (PCPR) at the University of Pittsburgh. The PCPR aims to recruit and train the next generation of leaders in pain research, focusing on cutting-edge theories, techniques, and research strategies. Areas of research may include, but are not limited to, basic and/or clinical investigations on the molecular and cellular changes that contribute to the development of chronic pain, analysis of CNS pain circuits, human imaging studies, pain genetics, and fundamental processes underlying pain, itch, or touch. In addition, this training program provides a clinical component to the education of postdoctoral fellows with exposure to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain patients. Systematic and structured training will be provided in the laboratories of leading scientists with wide-ranging interests and research programs. www.paincenter.pitt.edu/people/faculty
The University of Pittsburgh is a world-class research institution with a long history of accomplishments and excellence in neuroscience. Successful applicants will be affiliated with the Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research, as well as a growing list of centers of excellence including Pittsburgh Sensory Neuroscience, the University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute, and the University of Pittsburgh Center for Neuroscience.
Applicants must have a PhD or MD/PhD degree in Neuroscience, Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Bioengineering, or a related field, and have demonstrated excellence in research.  Previous experience in pain research is not required.
To be eligible for the NIH T32 program, the applicants must be either US citizens or permanent residents. The training program provides a competitive salary (based on NIH stipend levels), a travel and research allowance, health insurance, and tuition assistance.
Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, people with disabilities, and individuals from disadvantaged economic, social, cultural, or educational backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Candidates should submit a CV, a brief description of research interests and career goals, and contact information for three references to Joanne Hirt (hirtj@upmc.edu) or to Dr. Howard Gutstein (gutsteinhb@upmc.edu )
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.