
Current Methods in Cancer Research, 5-7 June 2019, Kuopio


Place: Auditorium SN200, Snellmania, Yliopistonranta 1 E, Kuopio

Credit points: 1-3 (1 for attendance at lectures both days, 2 for attendance at the lectures both days and demos or poster, 3 for attendance at the lectures both days, demos and poster)

Course directors: Anna-Liisa Levonen, Kirsi Ketola, Leena Latonen

Organizing Units: A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences & Institute of Biomedicine at the University of Eastern Finland

Course description:

This course will present state-of-the-art methods and science in cancer research. The course consists of two days of seminars, a poster session, and a demo day for live-cell imaging and analysis with the IncuCyte S3 cell imager. The goal of this course is to gain a wide overview of current methods in cancer research introduced by top-level cancer researchers nationally and internationally. The demo day will introduce students to IncuCyte S3 and its novel applications.

The course includes a range of aspects from molecular, cellular and tissue level research to whole organism disease modelling. The latest techniques, analysis methods and bioinformatics related to cellular, tissue, high throughput, sequencing and imaging technologies are introduced. The methods are presented in the contexts of real-life research questions and project. While geared towards cancer, the techniques introduced in this course are applicable to other research fields as well.

Lectures are open to all students, postdocs and personnel. Maximum participant amount to the lectures is 150. For demos maximum participant amount is 40.


Registration is free of charge for all the participants.

Register here until 28.5.2019: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/23009

Read more on our course web-pages:www.uef.fi/en/web/current-methods-in-cancer-research/

More information:

Course directors: Anna-Liisa Levonen, anna-liisa.levonen@uef.fi; Kirsi Ketola, kirsi.ketola@uef.fi; Leena Latonen, leena.latonen@uef.fi
Course secretary: Asta Suhonen, asta.suhonen@uef.fi