
Doctoral student positions 2018-2021 in Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu


Two doctoral student positions 2018-2021, Microbiomics and Interactomics, Biocenter Oulu and Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu

Applications are invited for two full-time doctoral student positions for a maximum of four years, starting at the earliest on 01.01.2018 in a Biocenter Oulu research project headed by Docent Justus Reunanen in the Cancer and Translational Medicine research unit, Faculty of Medicine.

Applications must be submitted using the electronic application form by 13.11.2017, 24:00 (Finnish local time).

More information and application at https://rekry.saima.fi/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&jc=1&id=00004453&lang=en

Doctoral student position for Evolutionary Genomics / Statistical Genetics, 4-year position 2018-2021 in Biocenter Oulu and Faculty of Science, University of Oulu

Applications are invited for a full-time doctoral student position for a maximum of four years, starting at the earliest on 01.01.2018 in a Biocenter Oulu research project headed by Prof. Outi Savolainen, Prof. Mikko Sillanpää and Dr. Tanja Pyhäjärvi in Faculty of Science. The Savolainen-Sillanpää-Pyhäjärvi group is located in two research units: the Ecology and Genetics Research unit (O.S., T.P.) and the Mathematical Sciences Research unit (M.S.).

Applications must be submitted using the electronic application form by November 23th, 2017, 24:00 (Finnish local time).

More information and application at https://rekry.saima.fi/certiahome/open_job_view.html?did=5600&jc=1&id=00004448&lang=en