
Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) – info session for the 2018 call applicants

Individual Fellowships action supports experienced researchers’ mobility between countries and (optionally) to the non-academic sector. IF supports the mobility of researchers within and beyond Europe, as well as aims to attracting the best foreign researchers to work in the EU.
Research funding services Viikki Team will organise an info session on the IF call (open as of 12.4.2018). The session will be held either in Finnish or in English, if applicable.
Time: 23.4.2018 at 13-15
Venue: Korona Information Centre, Viikinkaari 11, 5th floor, meeting room 511
Registration and Further information in Flammahttps://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/researchfunding/fundingtraining
University of Helsinki, Research Funding Services