
Research Assistant, fixed-term position – Turku Bioscience Center, Westermarck group



Research assistant position is available in the research group of Professor Jukka Westermarck at Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku, starting on the 1st of September, 2022 (or as agreed) until the end of June, 2024.

The main task is to support experimental work in on-going research projects and to participate in data analysis. The work will be done in cooperation with experienced researchers and may include also laboratory animal work. The research assistant will also participate in maintenance and development of laboratory routines and techniques. 

Successful applicants are expected to have Master of Science level education in natural sciences. The ideal candidate must be ready to learn new techniques/methods and continuously develop his/her skills, as well as be able to work well in international environment. Knowledge in Finnish language is not essential but good skills in English are required. Previous research experience in cellular signal transduction is an asset.

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of Finnish universities. The position belongs to the category of “other personnel”, and the estimated salary is appr. 2030 – 2140  eur/month for a person with a MSc degree. Post starts with a 4-month trial period.

For further information or inquiries regarding the post, please contact Jukka Westermarck by e-mail: jukwes(at)utu.fi 
n case you need help with the application process, please turn to BioCity HR services at biocityhrservices(at)utu.fi

A link to the electronic application system can be found at www.utu.fi/careers. Applicants are requested to submit their summarized application describing their education, language skills, as well as professional skills and experience related to the job. Dead-line for sending applications is July 13th, 2022