Research Scientist, molecular and population geneticists for fish research – Luonnonvarakeskus, Turku
25.6.2020Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation working to promote bioeconomy and sustainable use of natural resources. We provide solutions and services to our customers based on best available scientific knowledge. Our research results and services generate added value and sustainability as well as scientific evidence to support decision making. We carry out research on forestry, agriculture, food, game, and fisheries. We also perform statutory services.
Being open-minded and curious and having a strong will to leave a positive mark to the world binds Luke people together. Together we build a positive working culture where each other’s work is highly respected. In Luke, the work assignments are versatile and employees can influence the content of their work. We work in a mobile work culture which gives you the possibility to work from wherever it suits you the best. Luke offers a multidisciplinary international research environment with unique research infrastructures, experimental sites and well-equipped laboratories.
Tehtävän kesto
Työpaikkojen lukumäärä
Lisätietoja tehtävästä
Nina Schulman
+358 29 532 6739
Itäinen pitkäkatu 4 A 7 krs
Latokartanonkaari 9
Tietotie 4
Viran/tehtävän kuvaus
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is looking for a senior researcher who would join our animal genetics research group and work in collaboration with our geneticists, aquaculture and fishery researchers. The main research areas are genetic aspects in commercially exploited fish species and aquaculture species in Finland. Additional tasks are related to conservation genetics, management and stocking strategies of wild and exploited fish stocks and sustainable fisheries.
The task will also include developing methodological solutions for genetic monitoring of different fish species and for selective breeding programs of rainbow trout and European whitefish. In addition, tasks include pedigree building and co-operation in maintenance and development of governmental fish breeding programs and brood stocks of several fish species in Luke’s fish hatcheries around the country.
Hakijalta odotamme
The successful applicant should have a doctoral degree in genetics or a similar field. Good skills in molecular, population, quantitative, and conservation genetics and DNA laboratory are required as well as experience in aquaculture practices and/or management of wild and commercially exploited fish stocks. Proven records are needed on relevant scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals as well as in the ability to apply and receive research funding. Experience in genetic mixed stock analysis (MSA), skills in multivariate modelling and in combining both molecular and quantitative genetic variation are regarded as an advantage. The successful applicant should possess good co-operational skills and an ability to independently lead large projects. Good skills in oral and written English are required and Finnish language may be an advantage.
Palkkaukseen liittyvät tiedot
The position is at complexity level 10 in Luke’s salary system. Therefore, the position-specific salary component is EUR 3 971,97 per month. In addition to the position-specific salary component, a salary component based on personal performance will be paid. It can be at most 50% of the position-specific salary component. The applicant may also present a separate salary request.
Muut tehtävään liittyvät tiedot
A trial period is 4 months.
Voit kuitenkin hakea tätä työpaikkaa myös toimittamalla hakemuksesi alla olevaan osoitteeseen. Sekä hakemuksessa että kirjekuoressa tulee mainita haettavan tehtävän ID-numero. Hakemuksia ei palauteta.
Luonnonvarakeskuksen kirjaamo
Latokartanonkaari 9
Please attach your CV and application letter.
Please note that the application period expires on 17 July 2020 at 4.00 pm (time in Finland, UTC + 3). Unfortunately, we are unable to consider late applications. Apply